My Web3 Journey - Not quite what I expected and here’s why

My new entrepreneurial adventure started during a time when crypto markets and NFTs were thrilling and terrifying at the same time. Once I started Googling "What is blockchain" or "What is an NFT," I was sucked into a fascinating journey that satisfied my love for learning new technology and my entrepreneurial side of building a business.

Have to admit, though, it was a nerve-wracking experience.

While the promise and potential of how blockchain technology will revolutionize our business fueled my FOMO, it also showed me how much we need to do to make it safe and easy for the masses to understand and use.

Looking back on a year and a half, here 5 ways my journey into Web3 was not what I expected.

Security - Who Can Help?

As a former financial advisor, I saw red flags everywhere during early 2022. I was cautious and slow to buy anything, let alone open a crypto wallet where scams and lost passwords scared the crap out of me.

I did understand that as an early adopter, there are more risks that you need to be willing to take.

I was used to formal companies with regulations and rules to be available to ask questions and seek advice. Instead, I joined communities of "regular folks" like me, and collectively we worked together to share experiences and learn from each other's mistakes.

There is still a lot of work to be done on security, but I am confident it will be accomplished. In the meantime, do your homework!

Advice: Find your people and build trust.

Shiny new objects are a distraction

I like my to-do list, routines, and focus time. I am very susceptible to new ideas and love change to a certain degree. It becomes problematic when new products, services, tools, and people, all vying for your attention, surround you.

Instead of following the good advice of forming a business that will solve one problem, I create problems using the latest technology tool touted on socials and in communities.

Add on top of these new tools, there are new communities to engage with as well. Discord taunts me with notifications and unread channels. Understanding when and what to read has become ever-important.

My biggest challenge is finding focus and staying the course.

Advice: Find one problem to solve and do it well. Turn off notifications.

I feel old

As a Gen Xer, I was fascinated with technology as a kid. I kept up with all the latest technology, from Betamax to BlueRays, Apple II to Macbook Pros, and Walkmans to iPhones. I constantly think about ways to improve the rate at which technology evolves in my mind, as it isn't fast enough.

But I am starting to feel my age in the Web3, AI, and the metaverse, and keeping up with all of it is tiring and overwhelming.

I'm sure I'm not alone. Can I keep up, or should I just unplug? Some days are better than others.

Advice: Trying to learn it ALL can burn you out quickly. Find your favorite tech and trust that you will figure out the rest when the time comes.

What's with the attitude?

There are a lot of passionate people out there.

Every time I engage in a conversation with someone well-versed in the subject of Web3, our enthusiasm soars, ideas flow freely, and we thoroughly enjoy our exchange. I have encountered many who are curious and genuinely interested in learning more.

However, those who push back and express negativity often take me aback.

Over the years, I have learned that individuals who show this negative attitude towards a particular topic lack sufficient knowledge or confidence in their understanding of it. Whether it relates to finances or blockchain technology, some people become outright upset when they feel out of their depth but still wish to maintain the facade of expertise.

It is crucial for us, in the Web3 community, to revisit the basics and improve our approach to education. When news about scams and security concerns arises, we must promptly offer honest answers and teach others valuable lessons from such mistakes.

Advice: Bad attitudes may just need more information to turn things around.

The unbelievable amount of support

The Web3 community is amazing and extremely supportive.

I'm unsure if it is because of the ease of communication tools such as video calls, community platforms, or social media. Or is it the determination to empower people with the benefits of the technology?

Either way, the biggest surprise during my journey into Web3 is the new friendships and connections I made over the past couple of years. People are eager to help and build each other up.

Web3 is all about community, and that is very apparent.

I am excited to personally get to know so many founders who are building projects that will transform the way we will work in the future. These founders love to share their passion and connect with those who can help build their dreams.

Advice: Go connect and make friends in Web3!

Does any of this resonate with you?

No matter where you are in your career or life, something surprises you, and you are thrown off track. I am surprised that my plan a couple of years ago did not transpire as I expected or wanted. I have to remain flexible and keep my eyes out for opportunities.

May your journey teach important lessons and introduce you to new, exciting people and experiences. It may not go as planned, but you are going where you need to be.


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